The perfect email signature for your law firm practice will create a trusting and positive impression with your clientele. Your law firm signature is in the footer of your emails. It acts like a digital business card, providing vital information, especially about how they can contact you.
Therefore, your law firm needs your email signature to ensure you market your firm correctly. It helps promote your firm to new clients while also increasing brand awareness among existing ones. No email should leave your office without an email signature to ensure you maintain your professionalism.
Writing the Perfect Signature for Your Law Firm
We have established that the perfect signature enables you to personalize your emails, helping to make them professional. It also allows you to improve your law firm’s brand awareness while giving clients quick access to your contact details and creating social proof.
When creating the perfect signature, remember to add these crucial elements:
Important Information to Include
There are six essential elements to always include in your email signature:
- When creating the perfect signature, you must include your contact information, including office address, phone number/s, and email address. Furthermore, include your full name, position, and company name.
- Remember to include your qualification (LLB, Dr. jur., SSC, J.D., etc.) and the area of specialization (accident & injury law, commercial law, employment law, and so on) in your email signatures. Add your law school if you have space.
- Define your law practice by adding your focused areas of law.
- Include your photo or your logo to help potential clients connect with your law firm for a professional look.
- Add the social media icons of the social networks you have a presence on to your email footer.
- As a lawyer, you should add an email disclaimer to your email signature, covering all legal areas in compliance with the law. The content for the disclaimer should have your company name, office address, and registration details. It is a legal requirement for any corporate email in many countries. In the case of a legal signature, it helps to limit your liability, protects you against privacy and confidentiality breaches, and reminds the reader that the email is not a binding contract.
Using Banners
You can use your signature to enhance your marketing with a banner underneath your contact details. For example, with a tasteful banner, you can promote consulting services, your blog, an updated portfolio, share events, tips, etc. You can also use a banner to make it easier for clients to schedule an appointment with a call-to-action (CTA) button linked to your calendar.
Best Fonts
Create your perfect signature using a web-safe font enabled by default in most operating systems; otherwise, your clients may not see it as you intended. Some fonts that always look good and appear as expected include Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana, Tahoma, Palatino, and Geneva. Also, remember never to use more than two typefaces ( roman, bold, italic, etc.)
Branding Colors
Your email signature represents your law firm and is a corporate message. Therefore, you need to pick the colors that match your branding, but never more than two, and use them proportionally with the rest of your signature.
Less is More
In the case of an email signature, large is not always better. The optimal size depends on several factors, but ensure to include all the essential elements within its design.
Additionally, when adding information, once again, less is more. There is no need to add inspirational quotes, achievements, or irrelevant contact details. You don’t want to distract the recipient of your email but to make it easier for them to find your contact details.
Keep Information Updated
Always keep the information on your email signature updated by checking it regularly. The same applies to your CTA. If you have put one for clients to read about an event, you don’t want that CTA up a year later. Instead, change that to “schedule a consultation” or “book now” until you have another event or an eBook to share.
Bottom Line
Whether you decide to have a full signature and a shorter version depends on whether you first get in touch with a client or respond with a lengthy email to them. However, you don’t always need to have two versions. Finally, you certainly want your email signature to look good across all devices, so check its compatibility before putting it out there.