The Pros and Cons of High-Risk Investments for Beginner Traders

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By Jacob Maslow

An adage goes like this – the best time to start investing is right now – this can be overwhelming for some beginners, considering the volumes of information on high-risk investments. Other beginners will consider plunging headfirst into the market to see what the future holds for them.

It is pertinent to state that the pros and cons of high-risk investments can only be ascertainable when viewed trade-by-trade.

High-Risk Investments

Understanding the basics of the various high-risk investments can help an individual to make informed decisions.

  1. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a digital currency used in purchasing goods and services. There are things to consider if you are interested in making tons of money trading cryptocurrencies: it boils down to your experience and intelligence.

Pros of Cryptocurrency

  • Secured: A unique key only accessible to you ensures the safety of your cryptocurrencies and transactions. You cannot create a counterfeit cryptocurrency.
  • Decentralized: Crypto is highly decentralized as there is no central control, no one has a monopoly on it, and anyone with the capital and time can venture.
  • Accessible: Crypto platforms are accessible from anywhere, and transactions and investments are accessible anywhere in the world.
  • High-Interest Rate: Cryptocurrency has a high-interest rate and can turn anyone into a millionaire overnight.

Cons of Cryptocurrency

  • Scam: Cryptocurrency payments cannot be traced or reversed, so it’s a good fit for financial crimes. The rise in the knowledge of cryptocurrency is also the rise in ways to use it fraudulently.
  • Volatility: Just as trading crypto can make you a millionaire overnight, it also can turn you into a pauper overnight. The market is affected due to global economic happenings.
  • Unregulated: The law’s protection is absent as crypto is unregulated by anyone or any government. Therefore, it is banned in many countries and reduces its accessibility.
  1. Leveraged ETFs

The Leveraged exchange-traded fund (ETF) are funds that move exponentially with the market. Leveraged ETFs are exchange-traded fund that boosts the performance of underlying investments using futures, swaps, and debts.

Pros of Leveraged ETFs

  • Easy to trade: Like other stocks, it is in the open market for trading and, like all other stocks, is up for sale.
  • Volatile: Leveraged EFTs bring in daily returns, which provides the potential for gains.
  • Tracking Ease: These funds make it easier to implement investment ideas because they closely follow the underlying index. It is preferable to rely solely on data from certain classes of mutual funds. Additionally, these funds guarantee reduced risk exposure and top-notch investment results.

Cons of Leveraged ETFs

  • Volatile: The market can bring you gains, and when there’s a decline, it leads to loss.
  • In the long term, these funds do not closely match the underlying benchmark and do not reflect the daily returns of the index they track since they use derivatives to increase returns.
  • Proper analyses and extensive research are required as they are more expensive to manage.
  1. Foreign Exchange

In simple terms, foreign exchange, also known as forex, is a market that deals with the currencies of other countries. Foreign exchange is the exchange of currencies and offers accessibility and liquidity to the traders using the offered service.

Pros of Foreign Exchange

  • Accessibility: With the increase in knowledge, foreign exchange, also known as forex, is accessible to everyone who has the capital and will to go into it.
  • Low Costs: It is cheap, and it does not need not much money to begin trading. The transaction fees associated with buying and selling currency values are also low.
  • Globally Accepted: Forex exists everywhere, as it spans a global scale of market transactions, making it possible to find currencies to make profits.

Cons of Foreign Exchange

  • No Central Regulator: There are no central regulators to set prices, so there are differences between the prices of various brokers.
  • Price Determination: Changes in exchange rates are affected by factors like the economics and politics of certain countries or even global influences, making it hard to analyze.
  • Experience: Forex traders depend on their experiences of previous dealings and their research to be able to trade better; there is almost no professional help.
  1. Penny stocks

Penny stocks, also known as small-cap stocks or micro caps priced lower than $5. They are very much like traditional stocks, apart from the fact that they are not traded on the main stock exchanges.


  • Potential: There is a lot of potential with penny stocks. Penny stocks can help you catch up to the giants if that is your goal.
  • Better Rewards: When contrasted with the dangers, penny stocks have the potential to offer better rewards.
  • Rapid Change: The value of such a small stock can increase in a single trading day. Some stocks don’t experience the same returns as penny stocks for years.


  • Active Traders Required: Penny stocks might not be ideal for you if you don’t have the time to devote to quick and efficient deal-making. Only invest if you are an active trader.
  • Thin Trading: This form of stock is rarely in trade, which gives the investor some level of security but also causes sudden drops in value. Pick your stocks wisely.
  • Small businesses are central in the issue of penny stocks. It can often take years for anything to grow.


A risk management plan should be in place before adopting a high-risk position to decide when to enter and quit. As well as what your stop and limit levels are. Limits allow you to lock in profits once reached, whereas stops like guaranteed stops and trailing stops can assist you to reduce your losses. Ultimately, your risk and loss tolerance will determine your investment. However, it is always a good idea to diversify your investment portfolio and not put all your eggs in one basket, regardless of your risk tolerance. Investing in any form is like rolling the dice, so do your research and select the best strategies. Trades with high risk and high reward might occasionally help traders make more money than they would have otherwise.

What markets or investments should you pick after determining your risk tolerance and realizing that trading and investing are important to raise the value of what you already have? Everything seems difficult and daunting. In actuality, it’s not.

Never invest in anything you do not feel comfortable with or completely comprehend because keep in mind that this is your money, and these are your aspirations. You shouldn’t be in it if it can’t be communicated in simple and plain terms or if it keeps you up at night.


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