Mastering Different Styles of Presentations: Tips & Tricks for Developing a Winning Style

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By Jacob Maslow

You know everyone’s eyes will be on you when you deliver a presentation. Therefore, mastering presentations are the most critical element of business success, as you must provide essential information while maintaining the interest and understanding of the people you are communicating it to. 

If you are not careful, you risk your audience either tuning out because they are disengaged or not connecting with the crucial details you are trying to convey.

There are many different presentation styles, and the right one will vary depending on the situation and the person. However, there are several tips and tricks for developing a winning style that will always be helpful. 

Some are about preparation, some are about confidence, and some are about making sure that you keep the focus of everyone in the room. Here are some of the most important.

Practice Makes Perfect

Here is one that is very important to remember, regardless of the type of presentation you are giving. If you want to impress customers or clients to attract new business, or if you are trying to motivate your team members, the last thing you want to do is to wing it. 

You must be word-perfect and know what is coming next on your slides. So, find time to practice and identify moments where you may stumble. 

Even freeform presentations require you to be able to speak at length about your subject.

Businesswoman Making Presentation To Office Colleagues

Keep Things Simple Where You Can

This point can sometimes be easier said than done. For example, if you present people with vast data, the word “simple” may seem unhelpful. But, on the other hand, it may also seem a little reductive if you have spent a long time crafting a video presentation designed to wow your audience. 

But what you should be able to do is have a core takeaway message. 

If people only remember one thing from your presentation, what do you want that to be? Once you know the answer to that question, you can find ways to hone it throughout and bring it back to the fore at the conclusion. 

A director’s presentation is often straightforward and focuses on one primary subject or message. Create a minimalist slide design that can give an interesting visual presentation yet will not get your audience distracted by your designs.

It is also essential to consider the kind of language and vocabulary you are using and whether your audience will understand it. For example, say you’re trying to attract investors. They may not have spent the same time in this area as you, so remember to use terms the layperson can understand. Being accessible is not the same as being condescending. 

Think About Your Eye Contact And Body Language

This point is crucial if you are delivering a presentation that is either data-heavy with many graphs and charts or providing a coaching or leadership presentation that needs to connect emotionally

You may think that when giving a presentation, most of the attention will be focused on the slides, video, or other media you have brought. 

But you are the medium through which that information is communicated to the audience. So you can’t just stand there reading what is already on the screen. 

Eye contact is essential if you want people to engage, and it’s the best way to see whether people are taking on what you are saying. 

Your body language is important too. If you are slumped or standing perfectly still, it sends the message that you are bored with what you deliver. Feel free to move around and use your hands to illustrate what you are saying. Study and get advice from people who specialize in TED coaching professionally if you have the chance.

This can be helpful for closer or persuader presentations, where you try to convince or win over your audience.

Find Visual Ways To Represent Data

There will always be some presentations you need to give that will be very data-heavy. For example, say you must show your investors how your business has performed over the last year. 

Alternatively, you may want to present a forecast for growth in the coming months or use numbers to demonstrate why committing to a significant change is essential. 

A wall of numbers can be effective, but you must remember that you must find visual ways to represent this data in a presentation

Graphs and charts help people who have not been spending as much time with these numbers as you to get to grips with them quickly and effectively.

Encourage Interaction Where Appropriate

One of the biggest fears of anyone presenting is that people will not pay attention or that what they say is unclear. If you deliver a presentation to your team, for example, you will want them to go away feeling energized and with a crystal-clear idea of what you need them to do. 

You want to motivate rather than drain.

One of the best ways to ensure that they stay engaged and involved and understand what you are communicating is by encouraging interaction. 

Don’t ask if your audience has understood the last section. 

If you are coaching, ask your audience for ideas or examples of where they have used the tools you are talking about. This is often called a connector or interactive presentation, as it immerses your audience. 


Styles of presentation are about more than the technology that you are using to communicate. You need to be able to keep your audience engaged and use your body language to show the importance of your material. 

You must present complicated subjects and data cleanly and make them easy to understand. Therefore, preparation is hugely important, and don’t be afraid to invite input from others. 

If you want to learn more about developing a winning style and communicating more effectively in a business environment, look at the latest blogs and business news at StreetWise Journal

Our expert tips can help you develop your leadership style, motivate your team, and find your niche in the market. 


What is the best presentation style?

The best presentation style will depend on the context of the presentation. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself what would be most effective in getting your message across. Depending on the topic, audience, and setting, you may want to focus on storytelling through visuals or data-driven presentations highlighting key statistics.

What makes a presentation more attractive?

Attractive presentations should be easy to understand and have clear visuals and an organized structure. Using relevant images, videos, and charts can help create a dynamic presentation engaging the audience. Additionally, using a font that is easy to read and appropriate transitions between slides will give your presentation a professional feel.

What not to do during a presentation?

During a presentation, it is essential to avoid reading directly from slides. This can make the presentation seem monotonous and disengaging. Also, speakers should avoid going off on tangents or providing too much detail. It is essential to stay focused and concise to keep the audience engaged.

What are the 3 qualities of a good presentation?

The three critical qualities of a good presentation are clarity, organization, and engagement. 

Clarity is essential in ensuring that the audience understands the main points and takeaways of the presentation. Therefore, the organization keeps presentations on track and covers all relevant information. 

Engagement is necessary to hold the audience’s attention and ensure that they are actively participating in the presentation.


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