In a world of online shopping, most people want to take their products to the internet. In-store shopping was the primary way to shop not long ago. However, online shopping has become the primary way people buy and sell products worldwide. And as more and more people make their products available online, you are also wondering if that is the way to go. The truth is the majority of products these days can be sold online. When selling online, it’s essential to make your product easy to find and easy to understand. When creating an eCommerce website, your Shopify search must display your products properly. Without your search results showing correctly, your products will be impossible to get to. When this happens, most people think their product isn’t right for eCommerce. When actually, it is suitable for eCommerce, but customizing your Shopify search is necessary for success. Here, you can learn to customize your Shopify search so consumers can find your eCommerce products.
Customize By Type of Objects
One way to edit your storefront search is to edit your theme code. This can help customize the results displayed when a user is on your site. This happens by editing the “search. liquid”. Here, you can restrict the types of objects that return on a search. The three options for editing which objects are returned during a search are:
- product: Only matching products are displayed in search results.
- article: Only matching blog articles are displayed in search results.
- page: Only matching pages are displayed in search results.
You need to use the “type” parameter to change the options. In the “type” parameter, you can include any combination of the three options above. By separating them by commas, you can have products, pages, and articles displayed in the search results. For example, if you want products and pages to show in the results, you can type “product, page” in the “type” parameter within the search. liquid to customize your results.
Customize By Product Availability
You can also edit your theme code and change your Shopify search results based on product availability. For example, using the “unavailable_products” option, you can decide what should appear in the Shopify search results. The three options are:
- show: Results are sorted by relevance.
- hide: Unavailable products are hidden, and available products are sorted by relevance.
- last: Most available products show up first and unavailable products last. After being sorted by availability, they are sorted by relevance.
The default in Shopify is “last”. However, if you want to use one of the other options, you can add a hidden field within search. liquid.
Partial Word Matches
You can also add a feature that allows partial word matches to be applied to the last term in the search. The search will try to complete the last word of the search based on relevance. For example, if a user searches “bright blue,” then the Shopify search will display all resources that have the term “bright” and any term that starts with the term “blue,” like a blue shirt or blue hat. To enable partial word matches, you can edit your theme code with these two options:
- last: Partial word matches will appear for the last search term.
- none: Partial word matches will not be enabled.
The default for Shopify search results is “none”. However, you can add the option of partial word matches by setting a “prefix” option in the theme code within search. liquid.
Customize With an App
If you want more flexibility in editing the search results page using the methods above, you can install an app to help customize the Shopify search results. There are apps out there that can create a Shopify search engine that can auto-complete search queries. They can also customize search results pages to where you can make changes based on your website’s needs. Installing an app can add other features such as a voice search icon, price slider, and filters. The filters allow a user to define their search even more within categories and product types. An app will also allow you to sort by popularity and by price by displaying the highest prices first or the lowest prices first. With all these features, users can easily find products online, and your products will sell more quickly.
Your Products Online
The answer is yes if you are wondering if your product is suitable for eCommerce. However, to sell your products online, you must make them visible to users. The best way to do that is to customize Shopify search results so your products will never be hidden unless intended to be. This ensures your products will be available to users, and you can have a successful eCommerce store.