As a small business owner, you have a legal and ethical responsibility to keep your employees safe. Fire safety is one way in which you do this, and it’s an important one. If you own a business, no matter how large or small it may be, you are legally obligated to understand and follow fire safety laws. However, many small business owners don’t know where to start when it comes to fire safety.
Aside form hiring Fire Watch Guards, here are a few basics that every small business owner should know about fire safety.
Fire Exits
According to the experts at Fire Watch Guards every business should have two exits in case of a fire. The exits should be clearly marked and well lit. Employees should know where the exits are located and how to use them. OSHA also requires that you keep fire exits clear. The only thing that is allowed to block or delay the opening of a fire door is an approved alarm system. Also, exit routes from the buildings need to be free of any obstructions. Finally, all exit routes must be clearly marked with lighted exit signs.
Fire Drills
Fire drills should be conducted regularly so that employees know what to do in case of a fire. Evacuation procedures should be posted in a visible location. Employees should know that they need to leave the building immediately when the fire alarm sounds. They should also know not to use the elevators during a fire.
These enable workers to rehearse the evacuation methods in the absence of a true emergency. Make sure everyone is accounted for and that all necessary lockdown procedures are followed during practice sessions, so your staff will be prepared for a real fire event if one occurred.
Fire Extinguishers
There should be a fire extinguisher located near every exit. Employees should know how to use them and be familiar with the types of fires that each type of extinguisher can put out. All employees should also know how to call 911 in case of an emergency.
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms should be installed in every business. They should be tested monthly and batteries should be replaced as needed. Smoke alarms are a good way to give employees an early warning in case of a fire.
Fire Safety Plan
Every business should have a fire safety plan. The plan should be reviewed and updated regularly. The plan should include things like evacuation procedures, the location of fire extinguishers, and the location of exit doors. Employees should be educated on the plan and what to do in the event of a fire. Make sure you adequately train your staff on what to do if there is a fire during this planning process.
Assume that common sense will take over and that your workers will know what to do. Give training and establish clear standards for employees to follow in the case of a fire, and check it every six months to one year after it has been given.
Fire safety is a very important part of being a small business owner. You have a legal and ethical responsibility to keep your employees safe, and fire safety is one way in which you do this.
There are a few basics that every small business owner should know about fire safety, including exit routes, fire drills, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and fire safety plans. Make sure you educate your employees on the importance of fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire. By following these basic tips, you can help keep your employees safe in case of a fire.
Creating a culture of safety in your workplace is important for the well-being of your employees and your business. Fire safety should be taken seriously and employees should be trained on how to stay safe in case of a fire. By following these tips, you can create a safer workplace for everyone.