3 Telltale Signs That Your Management Tactics Need an Overhaul

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By Jacob Maslow

Are you a manager but unsure what the signs of poor management are? Here are three telltale signs that may point out some weaknesses in your management tactics. Low engagement could be when your team members either don’t care about their work or no longer want to do anything extra in their daily tasks. Conflict and lack of cooperation could be when conflicts arise between employees who used to work well together and now there is a lack of cooperation among team members. Disengaged employees could be when you notice employees taking more sick days than usual or losing interest in the job altogether.

1) Low Engagement

Are you finding that your employees lack enthusiasm for their work? We all know the symptoms of disengaged employees: they no longer feel like they belong or are contributing. The culprit for this lack of engagement is probably a dead-end job or bad bosses. This may lead to losing pride in their work and becoming less enthusiastic about it. Another factor could be an overwhelming workload or a mismatch between what the employee thinks he should be doing and what he’s doing.

2) Conflict and Lack of Cooperation

Workplace conflicts can arise from different causes, such as personality clashes, arguments over who deserves more recognition, other work ethics, and divisive personalities. Be on the lookout for conflict issues or employees who don’t seem to get along with others.

As a manager, it is essential to resolve these issues as soon as possible. If they are not resolved, resentment will build, and there will be a lack of trust between the management and employees.

3) Disengaged Employees

If an employee is no longer engaged with his work, he probably has lost interest in working for your company. This can be caused by many factors, such as unreasonable expectations, workplace quarrels, or even being underpaid for what you are expected to do.

It may also be caused by the manager being too strict with the employees and not allowing them to do what they are best at. For example, a skilled programmer should not be forced to fill out spreadsheets. However, if that is their job, they must enjoy doing it.

As a manager, you must provide your employees with opportunities for growth and development. Don’t be afraid to change their job description now and again, so they aren’t stuck doing something you think is unimportant.

Do these three signs mean that your management tactics should be improved? Probably. This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change your company or how you do things for employees.

However, if these are just symptoms of a bad manager, you must improve your management skills. You may not be great at all three giveaways, but no one expects you to be perfect when you are a leader or manager.

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