If you are thinking about going to Florida in the near future, then you are probably thinking about getting out on the water. After all, Florida has tropical weather, water on three sides, and lots of opportunities for people to go to the beach, some in the pool, and explore the wildlife that lives underneath the surface of the ocean. At the same time, you are probably also thinking about having a guide for this adventure. A quick Google search is going to pull up a result for Captain Dan with A.M. Charters. At the same time, there are a few words of caution that you should follow when it comes to working with this Charter. There is a valuable lesson to be learned here about fake reviews.
Why Read Reviews About a Charter Service?
Before you decide to partner with a charter service, particularly when it involves something like going out on the water, you need to read reviews. Anyone can put up a coffee website. For example, A.M. Charters has a glossy website as well. With the right verbiage, anyone can make something sound like an awesome experience. Captain Dan claims to have more than 20 years of experience along with knowledge of the local water. Of course, this is something that you would like to see. At the same time, this is not necessarily reflective of the experience you’re going to get.
Instead, it is important to read reviews. Reviews can provide you with some insight regarding what might happen if you decide to go with that service. On the other hand, you also need to be careful when you read reviews. Not all of the reviews about A.M. Charters are genuine.
Fake Reviews Left By Friends and Family Members
When you start to look at the social media platforms for A.M. Charters, you will start to notice a theme. All of the reviews appear to say the same thing. Furthermore, the reviews appear to be left by family members or close friends with the last name “Sablich.” Therefore, these reviews are not genuine. Obviously, they are going to be biased towards A.M. Charters. Navigate to the Facebook page is going to reveal reviews that were written by Captain Dan himself! Clearly, if a service needs to write its own reviews, there are serious problems.
Do Not Partner with Captain Dan from A.M. Charters
Instead, it is a good idea to read reviews that have been written by actual customers. Some of the themes about Captain Dan from A.M. Charters include:
- The service is inexpensive because the customer service itself is terrible
- You may use racial slurs
- He does not communicate with his customers
- He cancels on customers without giving a reason
For these reasons, nobody should ever partner with Captain Dan from A.M. Charters. Simply put, you get what you pay for.