The Oculus Rift virtual reality headset is finally shipping

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By Larry Banks

Anyone keen on virtual reality and video games who got in early with their Oculus Rift preorder will be pleased to know that their brand spanking new headset is on its way.

Confirmed by CEO Brendan Iribe, customers should start receiving their bundles from Monday, March 28.

Oculus was of course a huge hit on crowd fundraising site Kickstarter when its campaign went live in 2012, and today also marks the two year anniversary of the firm’s acquisition by social media giant Facebook.

The firm’s backers and fans will no doubt be issuing a collective sigh of relief this weekend, because despite the numerous prototypes and endless updates, it was for many starting to feel as if the final version was nothing but a dream. The hype has been huge for the highly anticipated headset, the gives the wearer a true sense of immersion in a virtual world.

Anyone who has not yet placed a preorder will however have to wait until July to receive their headset, but you can still order them now. Oculus offers a bundle that includes the Rift headset, an Xbox One controller and two games for $599.99, or a full PC system as well that starts at $1,500.

It’s a huge deal for the growing VR industry, because it’s the first real consumer headset (aside from the smartphone-powered ones, which pale in comparison in terms of the visuals) that is ready for the public at large. Arriving less than a week before rival HTC’s Vive device, it will be very interesting to see how Oculus kickstarts the VR industry…


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