How to save your pet from common sicknesses with insurance.
Pets are just like small babies, they are vulnerable to diseases and they can get sick any time and anywhere. That’s why, as a pet parent, you need to know the most common sicknesses and their symptoms to be able to help as soon as possible.
Since veterinary care and pet surgeries could get crazy expensive and unaffordable, you need pet insurance. It will keep your pet safe and protected all the time and it will give you the peace of mind that you deserve.
Here, we will discuss the most common pet diseases and how insurance can help you get over them.
Most Common Pet Sicknesses
- Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common and complex pet sicknesses, especially in dogs. It is the result of the inadequate body response to insulin or the deficiency of the insulin hormone itself.
The digestive system breaks down the food into glucose and several other components after your pet eats. Insulin, a hormone secreted by the pancreas, then carries the glucose molecules into the pet’s cells.
If the insulin hormone secreted adequately, the blood sugar level gets higher. This results in hyperglycemia, which can cause serious and deadly complications for your pet if left untreated.
- Rabies
This is a viral disease that affects the spinal cord and brain of dogs, cats, and even humans. It is definitely one of the scariest and most lethal diseases out there.
Luckily, the disease is preventable once we understand how it transmits. It is most commonly transmitted by a bite from an infected animal. It can also pass on if the saliva of an infected animal touched an open wound or the mucus membrane of another animal, but it is less likely to happen.
Rabies vaccination is the key when it comes to prevention. In fact, it is obligatory in some countries to vaccinate your pet with rabid vaccination. It will not only protect your pet but also everyone around them.
- Ringworm
No, it isn’t like what you think. Ringworm is not caused by a worm!
Actually, it is a disease caused by a fungus that can infect the nails, skin, and hair. The infected animal will get patchy hair loss areas on their entire body. Unfortunately, it is a highly contagious disease that can infect other animals and even humans as well.
The most common symptoms are skin lesions appearing on the paws, ears, and head. The pet will also suffer from patchy, circular bald spots with redness in the center.
Note that pets can be carrying the ringworm without showing any kind of symptoms, and they will still be contagious. That’s why regular checkups are very important.
Do not worry! The disease is not lethal as long as the pet is given the proper care they need. Your vet will prescribe certain medications for your pet that will make them better in the shortest time possible.
- Cancer
Nothing is scarier than finding out that a loved one or your pet has cancer. It is very overwhelming and confusing. However, your panic can make the situation worse.
The earlier you identify the disease and diagnose it, the better chances you have to save your pet. The most common symptoms are rapid weight loss, swelling, lumps, lethargy, bad breath, and black stool.
Your vet will give you the best treatment plans possible depending on the type of cancer and its stage.
How Can Insurance Help You?
Good insurance will allow you to have the best health care possible for your pet.
You will be able to get all the diagnostics and medications needed for your pet to get better. The insurance will also cover the cost of emergency care, rehab therapy, or surgery if your pet ever got hurt.
Furthermore, your pet can get yearly checkups, lab tests, and vaccines to make sure that their health is fine and prevent any disease.
Final Thoughts
It is essential to keep your little precious friend safe from any kind of sickness.
Pumpkin insurance can help you give your pet the health care they need and keep them around you for as long as possible.