Man Attempts to Kill Journalist with Baseball Bat: Police Refuse to Investigate

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A father in Efrat,  Israel, was traumatized and nearly killed after a man attacked him with a baseball bat on February 23, 2023. The attack occurred after the father knocked on the vehicle’s window, blocking his car near his house.

Jacob Maslow, a divorced father of five, did not know the attacker and had never seen him before. The attacker then came out of his car aggressively and yelled that the father had touched his car. He argued with him and then started attacking him – eventually taking a baseball bat from inside the car in a plastic sleeve and hitting the father on the head. The attack occurred in the middle of the day on a Thursday afternoon in full view of numerous witnesses.

The father was taken to the hospital, where he had a traumatic brain injury and bleeding from the brain. It took him several weeks to recover from his injuries, though luckily, his attempt at his life failed.

The Gush Etzion police, located in Beitar,  refused to investigate the incident or interview witnesses – despite contact information being given by a local security force. Police were acting under the supervision of Ido Zuckerman, head of the domestic abuse unit. The only interviews known to have been conducted were with the father and his attacker, Lior Levy, who is now renting out his home and moving to Canada and is unlikely to face any justice. Police immediately closed and sealed the investigation without interviewing the witnesses.

The father is filing a complaint against the police for refusing to investigate this attempted murder. He believes that if the police had done their job, he would not have been put in danger. What action authorities will take over this case has yet to be seen.

Jacob Maslow is a well-known journalist who has written extensively about domestic abuse, human rights abuses, and corruption in Israel. He had gained a reputation as an outspoken reporter passionate about uncovering the truth. In recent years, he had become the target of police harassment, with officers visiting his home unannounced, assaulting him, persistently calling him for investigations, and other tactics. This was seen by many as an attempt to intimidate and silence Jacob’s journalistic work.

The fact that the police refused to investigate this attempted murder – despite multiple witnesses present – reinforces what many have been saying: Journalism is not a crime, and authorities should not be allowed to harass journalists simply because they don’t like their reporting. The case of Jacob Maslow is a troubling example of how police can be used to suppress freedom of expression and intimidate journalists, who are essential for a healthy democracy.

The police have also tried to silence Jacob by claiming his reporting is harassment and threatening him with illegal and unjustified orders. They have sought to label all of his reporting and news gathering as harassment to turn it into a criminal offense, even though such tactics are unacceptable.

The authorities must protect journalists from this intimidation and ensure that freedom of expression is respected and upheld – otherwise, democracy will suffer greatly. Journalists like Jacob Maslow must be able to report on vital issues without fear of retribution or censorship. Only then can we be sure that our rights as citizens will be preserved?

This incident is another reminder of the need for independent, impartial, and unbiased media to ensure citizens can be informed and engaged with their governments. Jacob Maslow’s case is a powerful example of how freedom of expression can be threatened by those who seek to hide the truth. We must all stand up for the rights of journalists everywhere or risk seeing our democracy slip away.


What actions are the authorities taking to protect journalists from intimidation?

The authorities must ensure that freedom of expression is respected and upheld – otherwise, democracy will suffer greatly. Journalists like Jacob Maslow must be able to report on important issues without fear of retribution or censorship. Only then can we be sure that our rights as citizens will be preserved? Additionally, the authorities should investigate any attempts by police to harass journalists to silence them. Furthermore, media outlets should support their reporters so they know they have a safe place to turn if they face intimidation or threats. Finally, it is essential that citizens stay informed and engaged with their governments, as this will help ensure that our rights are protected.

What can I do to help protect freedom of expression?

You can start by standing up for journalists’ rights everywhere and ensuring their voices are heard. You can share stories about press freedom violations to make more people aware of the threats journalists face worldwide. Additionally, you can support media organizations and independent reporters that provide unbiased news coverage. Finally, you can participate in protests or petitions that address press freedom issues. Every voice matters when protecting our right to free speech and a free press!

What is the importance of independent and impartial media?

Independent and impartial media is essential for democracy because it provides citizens with accurate information about political decisions, public policies, and other essential matters. It allows citizens to make informed decisions about their lives and the direction of their country. Furthermore, it checks government abuses of power, as journalists can investigate potential wrongdoings and hold politicians accountable for their actions. Finally, when journalists can report freely without fear of censorship or retribution from authorities, society benefits from more open debate and discourse.

How does Jacob Maslow’s case serve as an example?

Jacob Maslow’s case is an essential reminder that freedom of expression must be protected for democracy to thrive. The police did not investigate his attempted murder by unknown assailants despite multiple witnesses being present – this reinforces that journalism should not be criminalized or suppressed in any way. Additionally, the police’s attempts to silence Jacob by labeling his news gathering as harassment shows how journalists can be targeted and threatened for their work – something that is unacceptable in any free society. His case demonstrates the need for strong press freedom protections and independent media worldwide.

What are some other ways we can defend freedom of expression?

We should all stand up for journalists’ rights everywhere, support media organizations providing unbiased coverage, and participate in protests or petitions that call attention to press freedom issues. It is also essential to educate ourselves on the importance of free speech and a free press so that more people become aware of these issues. Finally, we must ensure our governments protect journalists from threats and intimidation to guarantee our right to freedom of expression.

Tips for Journalists

Journalists can protect themselves and their work by preparing for threats, like joining an organization that provides legal assistance for press freedom violations. Additionally, they can stay safe online by using strong passwords and two-factor authentication on their accounts. Journalists should also avoid traveling to dangerous areas without informing someone reliable of their whereabouts. Finally, journalists should keep records of all expenses related to their reporting to receive appropriate compensation from media outlets.

Journalists Operating in Israel

Journalists in Israel face unique challenges due to the country’s complicated political situation. These journalists must know their legal rights and ensure they are not breaking any laws when reporting. Additionally, they must insist on access to information and sources essential for fair and accurate coverage. Journalists must also familiarize themselves with Israeli laws regarding press freedom to know what types of content can be legally published or broadcast. Finally, they need to stay vigilant in light of potential threats against their safety and security.

Journalists’ Rights in Israel and Police Limitations

Israel is one of the few countries in the world with a specific law protecting journalists’ rights, and it has been recognized for its press freedom. However, this does not mean there aren’t any limitations on these rights – police can still prevent reporters from accessing certain areas if they deem them too dangerous or inappropriate. Additionally, police are restricted by law to only issue orders against news gathering activities they believe constitute harassment – which Jacob Maslow’s case clearly illustrates was not followed in his situation. To ensure their safety and protect their rights, journalists must stay informed about Israeli laws regarding press freedom.

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