If you ever need proof that the American economy, and any economy for that matter, is like a balloon, you only need to look at one potential hot job source in 2015. Any job market is like a balloon. If you push on one end, you don’t know which end would swell up. Also, there are many different factors pushing and pulling on the job market. Just because there are a lot of corporate layoffs in the works or being announced, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the overall jobs picture will look gloomy. In fact, if there are enough new jobs created in certain sectors, this can trigger a wide range of new jobs in seemingly unrelated sectors.
Think of this process as oil job losses in reverse. When shale oil producers have to shut down a rig or shut down operations at a particularly vulnerable field, this of course means that people who work in that field will be laid off. The job losses do not just end there. People who work at gas stations where they get their gas from are affected; people who work at the grocery stores that provide food to these workers are affected; so on and so forth down the chain.
I hope you see the big picture here. There is a multiplier effect when it comes to job losses. This is why it is very exciting to look at 2015 as a potential breakthrough year for construction jobs.
According to the latest home numbers and new home constructions, things are looking up. The real estate market is vast and it is also very deep. Not only do you need people to put up the houses, you also need people to sell it. You also need people to do maintenance. The list of services is quite long. The longer the list of services, the more jobs are created.
As more direct real estate related jobs are created, this sends positive waves throughout the rest of the economy. Again, there will be more people working in grocery stores to service these people. There will be people working at banks to service this industry. It would definitely be interesting to note how many new jobs will be created in this sector. The key question is whether or not there will be enough jobs to offset the amount of jobs lost due to corporate layoffs and the erosion of the energy sector in the United States.