7 Little-Known Benefits Of Working For A Small Law Firm

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By Jacob Maslow

Most of us would agree that working in a small law firm with dignity is much better than working as an enslaved person in a reputed big law firm. But do we know the benefits of working for a small law firm? Are there any prestigious benefits of working with a small law firm? 

The American Bar Association’s 2016 Lawyer Demographics reports state that working for small law firms with less than 20 lawyers is generally described as effective. Most attorneys involved in small law firms gain quick exposure to practising law. 

Other than faster exposure and accessibility to better work/life balance, there are several other benefits more prestigious compared to larger law firms. Below we’ve elaborated a few benefits.  

Why Work For Small Law Firms?

There certainly are many law practitioners who work for giant law firms, and there will only be a few personnel who will communicate with the clients personally. On the other hand, the practitioners working for smaller law firms will always have a significant chance to work with various types of clients. 

The exposure they receive is much more than the larger law firms. The atmosphere will be pretty flexible in a small law firm. A brilliant opportunity is provided to them to enjoy interacting with different people.

An established law firm’s warm and adaptive atmosphere is never found in a firm. The atmosphere will be pretty flexible in a small law firm. That certainly will add to your efficiency and increase your learning power.

  1. Opportunity to think out of the box
  2. Flexible Work Schedule
  3. Greater Opportunity to Gain Experience
  4. Significant Client Contact
  5. Informal And Relaxed Atmosphere
  6. Abbreviated Partnership Track
  7. Good Feedback And Open Communication


7 Little-Known Benefits Of Working For A Small Law Firm


#1 Opportunity To Think Out Of The Box

Small firm lawyers have multiple opportunities and work on a broader spectrum of practice areas. These small law firms are usually generalized, allowing lawyers to engage in deep-end work quickly. It helps them to think out of the box and solve diverse cases directly. 

Most well-practicing lawyers prefer private practice in small law firms or work solo. A lawyer may be suitable for several reasons, but the best lawyers shared one quality: they were out-of-the-box thinkers.

#2 Flexible Work Schedule

Small law firms cater to providing a more stable work/life balance. Larger law firms possess a corporate-like atmosphere and are not considered weak. Lawyers are expected to work for an ungodly amount of hours. They usually tend to work more than the hours they’re billed for. 

Engaging yourself with any large law firm might do good for your CV, but it might not be the best in terms of adaptability. An established law firm’s warm and adaptive atmosphere is never found in a firm. The atmosphere will be pretty flexible in a small law firm. That certainly will add to your efficiency and increase your learning power.

#3 More In-Hand Experience

You must always go for it when you have an opportunity to move out of your comfort zone that builds up your experience. The more you have exposed yourself to work, the more experience you will gain. Small law firms have less supervision when compared to larger law firms. As the number of employees working for small law firms is less, the work gets done faster and more efficiently

#4 Significant Client Contact

When you are an employee of a small law firm, the clients you connect to will always be on a personal level, compared to larger law firms, where clients are only reserved for senior lawyers. You will be allotted a task to be a puppet and dance to the beat of your seniors.

There certainly are many law practitioners who work for giant law firms, and there will only be a few personnel who will communicate with the clients personally. On the other hand, the practitioners working for smaller law firms will always have a significant chance to work with various types of clients. Hence the exposure they receive is much more than the larger law firms. A brilliant opportunity is provided to them to enjoy interacting with different people.

With the advancement of technology, many business firms use CRP for law firms to perfectly manage their work and provide the opportunity to spend more quality time along with their clients. 

#5 Informal And Relaxed Atmosphere

The work culture is more warm and relaxed when compared to any strict and conservative giant law firm. The dress code is also informal and social amongst the employees, unlike the mega-firms that are constrained and stick to the formal dress code. All the employees are addressed by their first name in a small law firm; this fosters a friendly and comfortable working atmosphere.

#6 Abbreviated Partnership Tracks

Small law firms are probably the best alternatives if you think of achieving success much faster. With fewer employees, anyone working for small law firms does not have to face cutthroat competition for promotions, assignments, and a meager amount of profit, unlike large law firms. 

The employees working for small law firms can easily prove their efficiency to their superiors, making it simple to earn recognition and reward.

#7 Good Feedback And Hearing Of Grievances

When you work for a smaller law firm, you will find that the grievance redressal and feedback of the employees are much better, and they are treated with more care than their larger counterparts. The seniors in smaller law firms usually take the consent of their employees in decision-making. It s gives them a feeling of belongingness that increases their efficiency and productivity.

Final Verdict

You will find multiple benefits to working in a small law firm from the above points stated. However, it is regardless to say that there are no upsides to working with a giant law firm. But you must remember that legal practitioners must not turn their back and lose the opportunities that the small law firms usually provide them. 

As already discussed above, there are many benefits, including better working experience, that large law firms can never provide

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