4 Easy Ways to Make the Manufacturing Process More Efficient

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By Richard

Manufacturing a product is a vast process, and it encompasses hundreds of different tasks. The manufacturing process can be streamlined by using a variety of methods. From idea generation to product design and testing, there are many ways to make the entire development process more efficient. With this large amount of work to do, it can be challenging to identify areas of efficiency. But once you start to identify these areas, you can make changes that will create a more streamlined and efficient process.

1.    Use Metrology Products

Metrology describes activities used to ensure that a manufactured product is within defined tolerances. This can be done on the factory floor during production. In the case of the most common types of precision inspection, data analysis can be performed online by an analyst sitting at a desk using special software. Metrology data is becoming more critical as robotics and automation enter the picture, with fewer people involved in the actual manufacturing process.

2.    Implement Cellular Manufacturing

Cellular manufacturing combines workstations to create production cells. A production cell is a small factory area generally made up of several machines that produce one part or product family. Since production cells focus on specific product types, they can make the process much more efficient by having the necessary machines and materials. Implementing cellular manufacturing may mean modifying your factory to create the required cells, but you don’t need to replace all your machinery at once. The specifics depend on your business but take each step one machine at a time. Implementing cellular manufacturing requires some effort, but the result will be a more straightforward and streamlined manufacturer process.

3.    Proactively Manage Equipment Failures

Making the manufacturing process more efficient with machines and operations is something you’ll tackle every day. The first step is to manage your factory floor proactively by tracking your equipment, tools, and physical assets at a “system” level, not just at a single machine or process station. An integrated asset management tool gives visibility of your entire operation and its changing needs on the web. It’s always up-to-date for real-time performance assessment and faster problem resolution to avoid downtime.

4.    Strengthen Your Supply Base

Throughout the manufacturing process, suppliers are an essential component. They provide parts and services that simplify delivering a quality finished product to your customer. By focusing on specific goals and working with manufacturers you trust, you can strengthen your supply base to avoid costly disruptions and maximize your resources. You might look at outsourcing to find suppliers that are closer or that have lower labor rates. You can also look at moving to a low-cost country or even starting your factory in one of the countries you have suppliers.

Efficiency is key to success in any business. Manufacturing companies are constantly seeking ways to make their processes more efficient. To make the manufacturing process as efficient and streamlined as possible, it is best to focus on preventing waste and other inefficiencies. By utilizing these strategies for efficiency, companies can boost their productivity, saving time and money in the long run.

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