3 Major Signs It’s Time to Upgrade a Dairy Farm’s Equipment

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By Richard

Like most businesses, Dairy farms must update their equipment to guarantee the best milk quality possible. Here are 3 tell-tale signs that it is time for dairy farmers to upgrade their equipment.

1- New Technology Equipment Has Made Previous Tools Obsolete

The technology used to milk a cow has dramatically changed. A hand milking machine previously milked a cow. Nowadays, very few machines are entirely manual but instead use some electronic equipment.

The introduction of automation and electronic milking machines (EM) has made milking much easier. For example, EM can be controlled via sensors that detect the cow’s udder position when she is ready to be milked. You can milk at a specific time during the day, meaning a farmer no longer has to be present to milk his cow.

Another advantage of EMs and automatics is that the cow is only milked when she is ready. These new milking technologies make it easier for farmers to collect multiple cows’ milk simultaneously. Ultimately, this minimizes the need to leave the animals alone while collecting enough dairy.

2- If Your Firm is Expanding

When a farm grows, this might be a good time to think about new machinery. As more and more cows are added to the farm, the need for tools increases.

A larger farm needs a larger milking parlor to fit more cows and not leave some sitting for quite a while. It also requires more barns, so farmers need to buy more materials to build them.

A grown farm also needs efficient tools. Sub-bar machines can slow the milking process, increasing the risks of mastitis and other infections in cattle. This can lead to a decrease in milk production as well as quality.

This can be expensive, but it is necessary. Farmers must invest in new machinery when their farms expand. Otherwise, they might need help with increasing demand on a smaller budget.

3- When the Cost of Repairs is Becoming Too Costly

Machines requiring constant repairs consume much of the farmer’s time and money. For example, a device that overheats requires substantial attention to ensure it works properly.

Luckily, some machines can help prevent this problem by having sensors that detect when they need repair and inform farmers in advance. This helps farmers plan and ensure they have enough money to repair the machine.

The opportunity cost of a machine that requires constant repairs is high when EMs can provide a similar product with little to no repairs. A dairy farmer’s goal is to maximize profit and minimize costs. Therefore, they would invest in a machine that requires less attention and keeps their costs low.

Additional Signs

Here are other signs that indicate it may be time for a change;:

  • Difficulty in finding the replacement
  • Having trouble keeping up with production demands
  • Increased level of work

Because of the high demand for milk, farmers worldwide are searching for ways to increase the production of their dairy farms. To achieve this, farmers need the right equipment. As new technologies make it easier to milk a cow and collect more milk in less time with less human labor, investing in new milking equipment is essential.

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